Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Valentine's week in MS - Will is 2 months old!

We have had a very exciting week taking the Will Show on the road. We managed to visit with almost all of our relatives on both sides of the family. We were in Memphis with my sister's family. Then we stayed in Jackson for a week with my parents and grandmother. We also visited with aunts and uncles and cousins on my side of the family. On the way back to Cincinnati, we stopped through Birmingham to visit more aunts and uncles and cousins. Last stop before getting home was Versailles where we visited with Billy's parents and more aunts and cousins. Upon returning home to Cincinnati, we were greeted by even more of Billy's aunts and uncles and cousins. That's a lot of family! Will is a very lucky little man, with a very strong immune system. Almost everyone we visited with had a cold or flu that was coming or going. Luckily though we seemed to have dodged the germs.

Will loved spending time with his grandmother and grandfather Wilkinson and meeting his great-grandmother Hightower. He also got to meet his new friend Madison who was a big help feeding and playing with Will. We have some great pictures from our week with everyone. Will's first first cousin, Gibson, was very cute eating her big girl food and patting Will on the head. We tried out the potential grandmother name of "Grammy" for my mom, and I think it's working!

Now that Will is a big two-monther, he is settling into a nice pattern of eating, playing then napping. He sleeps through most of the night (midnight to sixish). He's not a big fan of tummy time, but we tried it out anyway. The big drama throughout the week was Will's diaper contents (or lack thereof). We had plenty of advice which led to Will's first tasting of juice (prune...ew) and Karo syrup. It was very exciting. Everyone should be very happy to know that the situation has resolved itself, and Will owes his dad an apology (two actually).

Thank you to everyone who opened their homes to us on our big road trip. Your hospitality was unending and very Southern!! Thanks especially to my mom who rode with Will and I on the long trip back to Cincinnati and then took a one-way flight back to Jackson. I had lots of fun with you!

It's great to be back home, although we really enjoyed getting to see everyone!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Will's cousin is one!

Saturday was Will's cousin, Gibson's, 1st birthday! I can't believe it's been a year since she was born.

Here are a few pictures from the party held at Gibson's Donuts in Memphis. Gibson's Donuts is owned by my dad's cousin Don, but much to his disappointment, Gibson the baby was not named after the store. They have probably named a donut after her though! A pink frosted donut of course.

We couldn't be at her party, but we'll celebrate again next weekend when we are all in Jackson at my parents' house. We are so excited for Will to meet his Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Matt and his cousin Gibson next week! We're driving so we can bring EVERYTHING with us. Hope they're ready for us. We'll look like the Clampett's pulling into town.