This Thanksgiving it was time to spend time in Jackson with my family. We flew on connecting flights with a restless toddler and had the awful experience of a two hour delay on the runway. Luckily the pilot finally returned to the gate and let us run around a bit. Will was a bit restless, but considering all, he was pretty well behaved thanks to watching movies on mom's computer.

We were reunited with my cousins Bo & Emily and Will's cousin Gibson. We also got to meet my cousin's baby, Burton for the first time.

Thanksgiving day was spent at the BEAUTIFUL home of mom's cousins Tommy & Linda Peaster. It was a gorgeous sunny day spent with my mom's side of the family - our closest 60 cousins, aunts & uncles. No one knew I was very early pregnant, but it was nice to indulge in all the Southern food with no guilt!

Will had a ball playing on all Tommy's John Deer toys.

As soon as Thanksgiving is over, we pretend it's Christmas so my mom and dad can snap a few Christmas Card pictures. Here are all of us together. My sister Jennifer, her husband Matt & their 3 year old daughter Gibson. Susu and Pop-pop and the Hoskins family.