Monday, October 20, 2008

Fun Fall Weekend

This weekend Will went to a birthday party for Ben Lehman & to a big pumpkin patch. The weather turned cool for the first time this fall, and the colors were beautiful. 
We are very excited to take a quick trip to Jackson next weekend to see Grammy & Pop Pop, Aunt Jennifer & Cousin Gibson! Sadly we'll be missing Julie's triplet shower in Dallas, but we'll be scheduling a trip to OKC soon!! Go LeClercq Triplets!!
Here are some pictures from the weekend. One of my faves is of Will getting a hug from his good friend Jackson Petty. He's a loveable little man! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Will gives his opinions on food & football

He's an opinionated little man! At least he has good opinions!

Will's First Sign

Oh, time is just flying by! Will is going to be 10 months this week! He's walking everywhere, pulling drawers open, closing doors, climbing on's exhausting to watch. But also exciting! I've been trying to teach Will to sign since around 4 months, and he's never responded. I started with the sign for "milk" and repeated it every time I gave him a bottle - or every time I remembered! Just recently I started watching the Baby Einstein First Signs DVD with him. Now every once in awhile he'll do the sign with his hand, but not really in response to anything. I'm not sure if he was asking for milk or just making the sign, but I caught a good one on video. (Again, pardon the high pitched's very exciting for me!)