Thursday, July 3, 2008

Getting excited for our beach trip!!

Billy and I are so excited to leave for Gulf Shores where we're meeting up with my whole family! We can't wait for Will to see his Wilkinson grandparents & for him to see the beach for the first time. I'm a little nervous that he will eat lots of sand, but Dr. Ng said sand goes through the system just like food...that'd be a heavy diaper! We don't leave for a few more days, but we've already started packing. We're flying so we have to fit our stuff in two suitcases in order to not be charged by the airlines. I told Billy that we'll definitely be charged by the airlines for a third back. Momma doesn't travel light.

Here are some cute pictures from the last time we were with my family and the last time Gibson & Will were together (at his baptism).

Yippee!! Wish we could leave today!

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